My personal page
I'm in a place where I accomplished everything that I was programmed to by family and education. Being 30, I have a profession, lovely wife, own flat, and a kid. It's time to start to think what do I actually want from life.
This journal describes a journey to the goals that I think I set myself. Writing such notes has numerous advantages and can hopefully be used for good by me and my descendants.
May 2023. It begins.
Feels like it's too much to do, but people overestimate what can they do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.
First of all, I want to have more wealth. I know 1M$ is what I'm aiming for (round amount is a coincidence). It won't take me to the top 10% Americans, but will be more than enough to have a comfortable life where I live.
Actually I have a pretty good chance earning it in my regular work in 10 years. But this way is boring. That's why I'm starting my 12 launches challange in 12 months. I'm planning to launch:
Own open-source library
Python Backend in Saas
Sad Orchestra NFT project
My furniture
Mlflow model registry short video
Seldon course
Will I make any of it?
June 2023. Gaming is a demon.
I'm still working on shaping my goals.
I feel overwhelmed by the proportion of what I do versus what I intend to do. I hope this journal can give me a good perspective on how I perform and where do I invest my time.
For now, I'm slightly late with mlflow project. However I need to admit I figured out a better mlflow idea after having the V1 almost done.
This month:
started 2 blog articles - evaluating prompts, and 4 ways of serving thousands of models
finished open-source library project (sic). Next step is to present it in an article manifest
I've got react landing page for Python Backend for Saas
2 hills taken.
I didn't buy a great double bass because mine seems to be enough. Spent a bit of time on testing them.
Got level 17 in Exiled Kingdoms. That's a bummer, because I didn't really want to do that, and I don't use smartphone for anything else.
Started Sleeping Gods campaign
Long weekend playing Nemesis in a brick house, another weekend in the mountains with friends, one bear in the city center, birthday party at Holiday House, picnic, poems on the walls, played concert in a pub, parents-in-law 2 days visit, seeing friend's flat, long party at a playground, 3 parties with doughter's friends parents
July 2023
We were on a vacation with my parents. I decided to not spend any time thinking on any of my work, which let me rest quite a bit. Unfortunately I didn't push any business goals.
Rested for 11 days
Spent 2 days with friends, spent 2 days with family (excluding the vacation)
visited or invited 4 friends
Played 4 scenarios of The Path to Carcosa
Watched two first seasons of GoT and one movie
Went to 4 concerts
August 2023
We were on a vacation with my parents. I decided to not spend any time thinking on any of my work, which let me rest quite a bit. Unfortunately I didn't push any business goals.
3 day resting with family, 5 days with family, 2 with friends
Took 7 Italian lessons
Started La forma dell'acqua by Andrea Camilleri, a few minor stories
Watched 6 seasons of GoT, and 3 movies
Went through a half of Trip 1907 by Kiafas George, Played 2 scenarios of Sherlock Holmes - Consultive Detective
Finished 3 blog articles, started one
Bought and prepared a car for the sell - a lot of work
Done everything for the house as my wife had to lay
Started to work on a furniture product
September 2023
We were on a vacation with my parents. I decided to not spend any time thinking on any of my work, which let me rest quite a bit. Unfortunately I didn't push any business goals.
1 day resting with family, a few nice days with Daughter - cinema, weekend, swimming pool, met with fiends twice, 4 times with kindergarten friends, hiking once
Finished the biggest work project in my life, Pushed furnitures project forward, Started to work on listings de-duplication project
Took 3 Italian lessons, finished one criminal in Italian
Finished GoT, watched Mr. Ripley twice, 2 seasons of Only Murders in Neighbourhoods
Played Exiled Kingdoms around 50 hours :( two scenarios of Arkham Horror
Spend tons of time on looking for a new flat
October 2023
I lost track on anything this month. I played one board game with my family, we were on a few (5?) parties, and had 3 rehearsals. I got cold twice. I was twice in the church, attend to one concert, seen a few flats, finished 2 campaigns Exiled Kingdoms. No real movement in my technical goals.
November 2023
Started NFT analysis project, wrote 2 twitter posts
played one concert
was on a ~4 parties
Played ~20 Polytopia games, 2 Nemesis, a few Space Marshals rounds
Watched attack on titan season one
December 2023
Again it wasn't a very productive month. But I had a chance to dedicate myself to my family a lot. Also had a lot of entertainment, playing a real video game in 15 years was something, also watching a few christmas comedies was cool. I read a lot and gathered a lot of thoughts and aphorisms on left-wing history.
We organized one party with native winter songs, spent a lot of time with the dougter and in the hospital, bought a ring
Played ~30 hours of The Witcher 3, finished Space Marshals 2, read Lem's Futurological Congress, Fables for Robots,
Learned a lot about cryptocurrencies
Watched a few movies and almost all Attack on Titan
Learned a lot about postmodernism, and the Left
January 2024
Time passes and I'm mostly consuming media, except some good work in my job.
Finished Attack on Titan, read 700+ lot of Dukaj's Ice, learned about politics, postmodernism, left.
Played Exiled Kingdoms Campaign, also ~10 Spirit Island games, watched a few family movies, and 5 Marvels.
Had a flu and was weak for 2 weeks, I attended meetings with daghters frieds 3 times.
Februrary 2024
Time passes and I'm mostly consuming media, except some good work in my job.
I watched dozen of Marvels movies, a ~5 other ones both with family or alone.
Felt so so for 2 weeks, exercised regularly + swimming pools
Played 7th continent <10 hours, Exiled Kingdoms for another campaign, bought a few board games
Spent much time on finance
Met twice with friends, made 3 parties with family,
March 2024
It was a month of a birth of my second daughter. We're getting used to that.
I fasted for a whole month
Met with friends twice
Listened to Mróz criminal, read Dune, watched Small Investigators
April 2024
Long weekend with a family, also I spend most evenings with my daughter, one meeting with
Vacation - watching Legend of Aang, played Detective, read Dune Messiah, played one campaign of Exiled Kingdoms
Almost everyday I'm participating in activities with my older daughter, during the weekends they are connected with the trips to city center
I've listened 3 audiobooks of Remigliusz Mróz
I'm trying to write nursery rhymes, and I've wrote PoC app for furniture cuts ordering
May 2024
Long weekend with a lot of activities with daughter, sport, buying a bike. A few parties - birthdays, 3 days long wedding days, a party, a day in the garden
30+ hours of Threejs journey course
Pushed forward a few poems, wrote a bit of game for my wife, played VigilOS, listened to two audiobooks, watched a movie
June 2024
I forgot to write the June.
One week in a few Belgian cities
A lot of financial work
The hiking with best buddies
July 2024
A good week with a lot of reading and after-job work. I was very tired of financials and following of global merkets. I spent a lot of time with the family as well.
A week of vacation, a lot of time with daughters
Finished Avatar: The Last Airbender
Read A Journal Of My Father, 4 parts of The boys of 20th century, one of Planetes, 6 of The Promised Neverland, finished Children of Dune
Wrote a lot of full-stack app for vehicle detection
July 2024
A good week with a lot of reading and after-job work. I was very tired of financials and following of global merkets. I spent a lot of time with the family as well.
A week of vacation, a lot of time with daughters
Finished Avatar: The Last Airbender
Read A Journal Of My Father, 4 parts of The boys of 20th century, one of Planetes, 6 of The Promised Neverland, finished Children of Dune
Wrote a lot of full-stack app for vehicle detection
August 2024
A good week with a lot of reading and after-job work. I was very tired of financials and following of global merkets. I spent a lot of time with the family as well.
I read The Promised Neverland, watched 3 seasons of GoT, played 10 long Polytopia matches, read Avatar: The promise
I was nervous and resting a bit, went to the dentist 5 times
We moved to a new apartment, earlier looking for it intensively
We've met with friends 3 times
September 2024
We moved to a new place and our elsdest daughter started the school.
I watched 3 seasons of Attack on Titan, two of Game of Thrones, finished Cat Quest
I met with friends once, with family twice
We got cold twice at home
I was thinking a lot about creating some story, design a world. I got a lot of ideas from modern philosophy and religion.
October 2024
November 2024
We live around our children.
One trip abroad, a few meetings with the family, trip to the capital
Finished Game of Thrones, watched Gravity Falls - 10 episodes
Took care of my health
Refreshed my vinyl passion, learned Golang